It is time “we the people” realized that this administration has no interest in providing jobs based on production of goods or entrepreneurial effort. They have told us they have no use for capitalism. Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, or Chavez couldn’t have made it any clearer through their own actions than Obama and company have. Most who are employed outside the public sector recognize that private employers risk a great deal to succeed in business. And, when they hire workers (whether in management, sales, or production) it is not just to provide a job for someone, but to help them make and/or increase profit. Entrepreneurs also realize that they, in turn, must make that job attractive in order to keep a good employee. This is accomplished through better wages, benefits, and opportunity for advancement. These are the people who bring real and meaningful employment to the millions who want to work.
We are already suffering the consequences of Obama’s massive “stimulus bill” which was rammed through congress with admittedly little or no understanding of its content. We have yet to see any real jobs coming out of it. Mostly, it is giving back to Dem supporters, the green faction, and pie-in-the sky energy experiments that only give jobs to people who already have jobs. (How’s that for a well-deserved oxymoron?) His bailout of GM and Chrysler has been touted as a successful job’s program. The fact that so many of our citizens swallow this without question attests to the failure of our public schools. Obviously, many cannot add, subtract, multiply or divide. Even simple mathematics will tell you that the closure of so many successful dealerships resulted in major job loss. They also sold off many brands which meant plant closures (more job losses). Then came cash for clunkers which resulted in a short-lived upswing of new car purchases while deliberately destroying businesses relying on reselling parts for older models. All the while, Ford (which refused the bailout) continued to prosper. And, can you believe it—Obama now takes credit for Ford’s success! Temporary employment like the required U.S. Census has added somewhat to the numbers of employed but that will soon cease. Now, they have passed still another “jobs bill” which is simply a payback to the teachers’ union and, of course, adds no new jobs. Oh, we mustn’t forget the jobs lost and small businesses ruined by Obama’s mishandling and manipulation of the BP oil disaster.
Unfortunately, “we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” The subtle taxation hidden in the implementation of all this bureaucracy has already begun. Everything bought or sold will be much more expensive because he has made the cost of doing business so burdensome that it will be passed on to the consumer. Obama continues to usurp the power of the congress by going around them to “legislate.” I shudder to think of what will happen in the lame-duck session of congress after the November elections.
Admittedly, this is all very depressing. I leave you with this suggestion: Pray to Almighty God asking for his forgiveness and undeserved blessing while working hard for the election of those who will support our constitution and who still believe in the legacy of our Founding Fathers.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
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