Saturday, October 10, 2009

Peace Prize No Longer Noble

What was behind this surprising award to President Barak Obama? Could the Europeans have been so crafty as to use this ploy to shame the "peace" recipient in order to keep him from increasing our troops in Afganistan?

In retrospect, when you consider the past recipients, nothing coming out of this no longer noble awards committee is surprising. America produces many people who could be considered for this award but we have seen only the likes of Jimmy Carter and Al Gore as recipients in the last 80 years.

This should convince most Americans that we neither need nor want the approval of these American resenters and haters. Nor should we wish to emulate them. Our country should only consider what is right, honorable, and constitutional in its decisions. We do not wish to be a part of a new world order nor under the laws of the Europeans or the UN.

We, the people, should govern ourselves.

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