Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Brit Hume's Advice to Tiger

Brit Hume left himself open to intense criticism when he suggested on Fox News Sunday that if Tiger Woods wanted a total recovery from the scandal and forgiveness for his actions, he should turn to the Christian faith. Buddhists were naturally upset along with all the politically correct crowd. Yet when he appeared on the O'Reilly show, Brit did not take the opportunity to recant or change the intent of his advice. The following response was really quite moving (and rather brave): “What I’m saying is, if Tiger Woods were to make a true conversion, we would know it. It would show through in his being and he would know it above all and he would feel the extraordinary blessing that that would be. And it would shine because he is so prominent. It would be a shining light. And I think it would be a magnificent thing to witness.”

I'm not sure how much longer anyone in the broadcast media will be able to give such heartfelt advice or to be so sincerely honest in his assessment of what Christianity offers to a believer. If (or should I say when) the "Fairness Doctrine" is reinstated, there would be dire consequences for reaching out to offer this much needed advice.

When Jesus Christ shed his blood on the cross at Calvary, he paid the only price that could possibly make any of us sinners clean. Non-believers just can't understand the concept. It's impossible until you experience it. Thank you Brit Hume. You are obviously "not ashamed of the gospel of Christ."

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