Saturday, March 6, 2010


Most Americans felt vindicated last September when Ahmed Hashim Abed, the mastermind (I refuse to say alleged mastermind) of the cruel and obscene murder of four Blackwater contractors in Fallujah in 2004, was captured by a team of Navy Seals. Yet barely three months later, in December 2009, Special Warfare Operators 2nd Class Matthew McCabe and Jonathan Keefe and Special Warfare Operator 1st Class Julio Huertas were arraigned in military court. The trials are set to begin in April for Huertas and Keefe, and in May for McCabe.

These young men are accused of torturing and/or covering up the torture of the man responsible for having four men shot, burned, their bodies desecrated, then hung from a bridge over the Euphrates River. The evidence of his so-called “torture” is described as a punch in the gut and a bloody lip confirmed only by the word of Abed. Now, they must stand trial to defend themselves. Sadly, they are expected to behave like robots as such terrorists bait and incite them to any—no matter how mild—form of physical response. These terrorists are trained to do this; knowing full well that our military will bow to political correctness instead of defending their own.

We need only to look at the events at Ft. Hood to see the folly of such thinking. Are our highest military leaders so concerned about their own careers that they ignore the intense pressure on those whose lives are in harm's way on a daily basis? These men know first hand how the terrorists treat their captives. Considering what Abed was responsible for, most of us would consider what he “allegedly” received as just a gentle tap.

If you would like to show your support for these men, join me in signing the petition to dismiss this ridiculous trial by going the Human Events website and adding your name.

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