Sunday, March 7, 2010

Young Marines Program Gives Hope

Yesterday, Dan and I attended graduation ceremonies for the Upstate Young Marines Class of 0910. Three of our grandchildren were a part of that group. Their Saturday basic training exercises began in November. Even though this training was rigorous in the classroom and on the field, they eagerly awaited each training Saturday.

You would expect the program to include mental, moral, and physical development but that was only the beginning. They were learning the meaning of respect for the history and traditions of the United States and the U.S. Marine Corps. This respect extended to parents, teachers, and those in charge of them as well.

Before graduation, they had to pass a written test, endurance runs, and an obstacle course. Important to me, they were learning to listen closely to instructions and that attention to every word, or lack thereof, would result in either success or failure.

Upon officially becoming Young Marines, they recited this pledge:

From this day forward, I sincerely promise to set an example for all youth to follow. I shall never do anything to bring disgrace or dishonor upon my God, my country, its flag, my parents, myself, or the Young Marines. These I will honor and respect in a manner that will reflect credit upon them and myself. Semper Fidelis!

I am encouraged that programs like this exist. We often feel that we are alone in believing ideals like honesty, fairness, courage, respect, dependability, attention to duty, love of God, and fidelity to the United States and its institutions are important for the mental, moral, and physical development of our children. The Young Marines program teaches all these things and more. It gives me hope for the future.

If you would like to see photos of this organization at work, go to the Greenville Marine Corps League website. You will find the photos at the following link.

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